Thursday, September 6, 2012

Parashas Ki Savo - Creating Our Own Enthusiasm

I've been waking up around 5am since Rosh Chodesh Elul. Besides the fact my one year old daughter has an internal alarm which wakes us all up at exactly 5:09am – everyday(!!!) - I also have the custom to say selichot a month before Rosh HaShana. I prefer doing it on my own in yeshivah rather than going to a minyan because I can at least go at my own pace and actually know what I am saying.

For the first two weeks, I was saying selichos with enthusiasm and concentration, however, lately – this past week - I've noticed that I haven't had as much enthusiasm as I did when I started. What can I do to make this more meaningful to me? I remembered a similar situation (see next paragraph) and concluded that I need to create a “meaningful environment” when reciting selichos!

Last year, I made sure that all 8 days of Chanuka I would sing Ma Oz Tzur, Al HaNissim, etc. with joy and enthusiasm because every year (and I see this often with others too,) the first day or two of Chanuka is fun, exciting, joyous, etc but after 3-4 days, we think, “OK, been there, done that. Let's just sing through this quickly... My jelly doughnut is getting stale...” So I decided to just “act” joyous and enthusiastic. Baruch Hashem, I was able to make all 8 days exciting for my kids, wife, and myself!

In the third aliyah in this week's parasha, the Torah says, “This very day, Hashem, your God, commands you to perform these statues and the laws; You shall observe and perform them wholeheartedly and with your whole being.”

Rashi explains, “This very day” – Each day, let them appear pleasantly new to you, as if on that very day, you had been commanded to perform them.

It was such siyata dishmaya reading this Rashi! If I had to learn it, there's no week better than this week to learn it! I seriously thought for the last 3-4 days, what can I do to help my selichos! After reading this Rashi, I felt like Hashem was trying to help me remember the Chanukah story (mentioned above.) Just as I took upon myself to continue reading Ma Oz Tzur, etc with joy, so too, I should sing selichos with enthusiasm! Even though I don't feel like it, I should still do it.

It seems like from this Rashi that IT IS A CHOICE! I have the choice to either read it with exhaustion and no interest, OR I can make It appear pleasantly new and meaningful to me! No different than when I first recited selichos with anticipation, concentration and enthusiasm!

May our prayers be answered for the good and have all the berachos in the Torah!!

Ksiva Vchasima Tova,

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