Friday, August 10, 2012

Parashas Eikev - Does Hashem "love" Us If We Don't Follow His Chukim/Mishpatim?

For this week, I need your help to answer a question which has been bothering me for a couple months and I can't (yet) find an answer to. I've looked in dozens of sefarim but to no avail, I was not successful in finding anything which answers my question.

In this week's parasha, it mamish starts off with (the first two pesukim,) "Follow the chukim and mishpatim and Hashem will love you, bless you, multiply you, etc... My question: Why does it say love? Wouldn't Hashem love us even if we didn't follow His chukim/mishpatim? It's inferred that if we didn't keep them then He won't love us.

The answer I came up with is: Chazal say that Hashem loves all people who are b'tzelem Elokim
[חביב אדם שנברא בצלם אלוקים - בני בנימין - על מסכת אבות-פרק א - משנה יב].
This includes even Goyim. Now there's no way Hashem loves Goyim the same way He loves us - so we automatically see that there are different levels of love. And perhaps it can even be said that within Jews, Hashem's love for those who do keep the chokim/mishpatim is a higher level of love than His love of those who don't keep it. He still loves them, but it's not as potent as His love for those who keep His chokim u'mishpatim.

Another issue though: Hashem does not love Resha'im (or maybe uses the loshon of "Soneh - hate." I don't have any sources but this is what I remember learning- Please correct me if I am wrong!!) And the Chofetz Chaim says we may speak Loshon Hara about Resha'im, nor do we have to give them the benefit of the doubt. On the contrary, we should judge them unfavorably.

[Please note, this does not mean anyone who doesn't keep shabbos, kashrus, etc then it's mutar to speak loshon hara about them. We live in a generation where a lot of Jews are called “Tinok Sh'nishba” since they grew up in non-religious homes and are not aware of Hashem's Torah and Mitzvos. They are NOT considered Resha'im!]

With the above said, it seems like Hashem loves Goyim more than the Jewish Resha'im. How's that possible? This leads me to conclude that Hashem loves all Jews, even the Resha'im but on a really low level. So when Hashem says He'll love us if we keep His Chukim/Mishpatim, that doesn't infer He won't love those who don't keep them. It's just that the love He has for those who don't keep them is diluted.

It's like equating concentrated syrup to love. When we pour water into the syrup, the syrup turns lighter and thinner. Same by Reshaim; they will still have “love” but it will be diluted as if with water.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

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