Thursday, May 27, 2010

Parashas Naso, Ba'alosecha, & Shelach - Learning from others' actions

[I apologize for compressing three parashas into one. (It's not a triple parasha this week. I wasn't able to write one last week, and I don't know what my schedule will be like next week either.) I hope to be back on schedule shortly.]

In last week's parasha, we spoke about the Sota - straight after a Nazir. Rashi asks, why were these two topics right next to each other? He answers because when a person sees something so powerful, he shouldn't disregard it. There is something he should have taken from it. So when a person sees the miracle of the Sota being performed, he should take upon himself the restraint of drinking wine - to become a nazir.

In the end of this week's parasha, Miriam got punished with leprosy for speaking negatively about Moshe (to Aharon.) She didn't understand why Moshe separated from his wife while the other naviim didn't. [He separated from his wife so that he was able to get a navua from Hashem at any moment.]

In next week's parasha, the meraglim were punished for speaking loshon hara about the land of Israel. Why were they punished for speaking about land? It's not like they spoke about people. The answer Rashi gives above can be applied here as well. They should have seen what Hashem did to Miriam last week, for speaking about her brother Moshe, where she didn't even say it in a degrading manner. The problem was that she said something negative. It doesn't matter what or to whom it was spoken about. We are all Hashem's creations, whether it is people or land.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

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