Thursday, June 25, 2009

Parashas Chukas - Keep the bulletproof vest on!

This week's Dvar Torah has been sponsored for:
Refua Shelema: Leah Ayala bas Yehudis
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In last week's parasha, Korach and his (two hundred and fifty) men rebelled against Moshe and Aharon. Hashem told Moshe and Aharon, "Separate yourselves from this congregation, and I will annihilate them in an instant..." "Speak to the congregation saying, 'Leave the vicinity of Korach, Dasan and Avirom..." Everyone and everything that belonged to Korach got swallowed up (or down) by the ground, alive. Then fire was sent by Hashem and consumed all two hundred and fifty men who brought incense.

In this week's parasha (Chukas), a couple of other people die. These people weren't followers of Korach. They we dedicated to Hashem and His Torah. They did everything Hashem (and Moshe) asked them to do. Miriam passed away at the age of 125. She was a known prophet who taught and guided the women of Bnei Yisroel. As soon as she died, Hashem caused the Well of Miriam to disappear temporarily. Next, Aharon passed away at the age of 123. He too was a known prophet who taught and guided the men of Bnei Yisroel. After his death, Hashem ceased the Clouds of Glory from traveling with the Jews. [1]

Before Aharon's death (after Miriam's), Hashem said to Moshe, "The people will witness a miracle that will sanctify My Name. Gather the Tzadikim to the rock from which water flowed while Miriam was alive. Command it to provide water for the Jews once again." Moshe gathered all the people hoping to teach them a lesson: "If a hard rock manages to turn into a well at Hashem's command, then for sure we Jews are obligated to obey Hashem!"[2]

Among the congregation were the airev rav who always had something negative to say (sort of like Korach's men.) They proclaimed, "Unless you give us water from the rock we choose, then we don't want anything at all."[3] They suggested, "Perhaps Moshe knows this specific rock carries moisture, and that's why water used to flow out." Moshe was extremely distressed because he was hoping to show everyone how doing Hashem's Will has the power to change nature. Instead, he was faced with people who made fun, and questioned Moshe's ability. Moshe realized that Hashem's Shechina was no longer there because of the people's mockery.[4]

Moshe commanded the rock to produce water, but it did not obey. He then hit the rock; at that point, it started bleeding. The mockers asked, "Now we're suppose to drink blood?" Hashem commanded the rock to convert the blood into water. The rock obeyed, but only drips came out. So Moshe hit it a second time. The water gushed out of the rock, forming a deep stream that flooded the people, and drowned the mockers.[5-6]

This isn't the only two parashas we've seen Hashem's Shechina depart from a crowd because of their disrespect for Him. Another place we've seen it happen was when we sinned with the Golden Calf.

When we don't have Hashem's Divine Presence with us, it's a sign of disappointment. Hashem wiped out all two hundred and fifty men belonging to Korach, and all the people who mocked Moshe (in Parashas Chukas.) A lesson I learned in these two parashas: We must have proper respect for our Sages and Rabbeim. By disrespecting them, we cause the connection we have with Hashem to be weakened. It's like removing our bullet-proof vest. Without it, we are left weak and unprotected.

In conclusion, we are approaching the three weeks; a time where Hashem's Shechina departed from His Temple and from Klal Yisroel because of our misdeeds. Every generation in which the Beis Hamikdash is not rebuilt is as if we personally destroyed it. We have the power to bring it back with our mitzvos and maasim tovim.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

[1] Ta'anis 9a
[2] Rashi
[3] Zohar vol.1: 28b
[4] Rokeach
[5] Shemos Rabba 3:19
[6] Midrash Shocher Tov 105:20

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