Friday, July 9, 2010

Parashas Pinchas - The Love for Torah

In Parashas Pinchas, Moshe davened to Hashem asking for someone to take his place as a leader; someone who will be able to guide and advise every type of issue brought by Bnei Yisrael; someone who is also able to muster up an army to fight against their enemies, and - of course - someone who will devote himself to the communal needs of Klal Yisroel and daven on their behalf.

Hashem told Moshe that He already appointed someone. Hashem felt that Yehoshua would be best for this position. Hashem explained the reason He chose Yehoshua, as opposed to Moshe's sons, was because Yehoshua had a special ahava for Torah. He invested every last ounce of strength to learn Torah and gain wisdom.

Besides learning Torah 'all day and night', Yehoshua came to the Bais Midrash early each day and left late every night in order to arrange the benches and mats for the Rebbeim and Talmidim to use. He served his Rebbeim and Hashem with love, disregarding his own needs. [1]

There's a posuk in Mishlei that says, “He who guards the fig tree shall eat its fruit, and he who serves his master, shall be honored.”

Yehoshua was zocheh to be appointed as the next leader because he served his master with love.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,

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