Thursday, March 18, 2010

Parashas Vayikra - Don't emulate Robin Hood

L'Iluy Nishmas: R' Alter Yisrael ben Meir Lieber Keller a"h

[This week's dvar Torah is a short one (possibly next week as well) due to a lack of time with the preparations of Pesach cleaning and all...]

Everyone knew 'Robin Hood' as a very loyal person. The reason is because Robin Hood would bounce from one rich man to another to steal his money. What he did with the money is what made him the legend he was. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.

What Robin Hood did was nice and dandy, however, halachically, what he did was wrong. It is assur for us to emulate this idea.

How do I know that? I am not a posek! Besides being common sense, I know it because of the second posuk in this week's parasha. It says, “If man (adam) wants to donate a korban to Hashem... you shall bring them.”

Rashi asks, “Why did the posuk say 'adam'?” Sifsei Chochomim adds, “It could of used the word 'ish' which also means man.” Rashi answers, “Just like Adam HaRishon offered korbonos which weren't stolen (because everything belonged to him,) so too Bnei Yisroel should not donate stolen goods.

I don't think this specifically goes for donating to Hashem. I think this rule can also be applied to donating things to poor people as well (tzedaka).

To take this another step: In this week's parasha it tells us what one must do if he donates a dove; Throw away the stomach, because birds go from place to place eating things which belong to other people. Rashi quotes Vayikra Rabba [3:4] who says, “They feed off stolen food.”

So we see that if the stomach of a bird gets rejected from korbanos due to the act of eating stolen foods, even the more so - our korbonos would get rejected if they were entirely stolen.

Have a wonderful Shabbos and an easy time cleaning for Pesach – leaving no Chometz behind.

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