Friday, August 14, 2009

Parashas Re'ay - We are responsible for our actions

This week's Dvar Torah has been sponsored for:
Aliya Neshama: Shafika Bas Chasiba
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For the last two motzei shabbosim, I have been up from 1-5 am Saturday nights - for two different reasons. The first time was because I napped too long over shabbos (I personally don't think one hour is long, I guess my body does) and the second time was because I ate too much for seuda shlishit - I was nauseous half the night because of it.

Both weeks weren't the first time it's happened to me. I've experienced the situation before. I always tell myself the same thing, "I am not going to nap so long" or "I am not going to eat too much." The problem is, b'sha'as maaisa, the rationalization I make to myself seems very valid. As a matter of fact, at the time they sound like excellent claims. :-)

In this week's Parasha (Re'ay), Moshe explains to Bnei Yisroel that they have the ability to bring good or harm to themselves. Blessings or curses - life or death. It's all dependent on whether they choose to do a mitzvah or a sin.

Hashem gives us free will - freedom to choose our actions, on our own account - but the choices can be beneficial or detrimental. Sometimes, it's not easy to choose, but it's a decision we've got to make in life. Sometimes, it can seem detrimental now, but later on in life, it can turn out to be to our advantage. (It's always advisable to speak to a well-learned person for the harder choices.)

I saw a connection between my story and this section in Parashas Re'ay. Hashem gives us the choices we can choose from, and it's up to us to choose the correct path - whether it is a choice between a mitzvah and a sin, or just a decision in life.

There are times a person needs to have self-control. Sometimes we feel desensitized as to how much we've eaten. We need to eat (or sleep) enough, but not to the point where we are indulging. Actually, someone recently told me that their Rabbi (from AISH) always told them that eating chocolate can be a sin. Sounds extreme, right? He explains, "Chocolate has no contribution of nutrition to your body. It's something a person doesn't really need. Therefore when a person eats chocolate, he is just feeding his taivas. That falls under the category of Naval b'Reshus HaTorah (over-indulging in things that are permitted for you.)

May we learn from this Parasha that the choices we make aren't specifically for mitzvahs or aveiras. The actions for our choices can also be by everyday life decisions. A way of a Jew is to always calculate his actions. Hashem should give us all a beracha that the calculations we make are the right ones.

Have a good Shabbos,

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