Saturday, November 15, 2008

Parashas Chayei Sarah

In this week's parasha, Avraham buys a plot of land for his wife Sarah's burial. It's not just any plot of land, but Ma'aras Hamachpaila! Going back to Parashas Vayera for a minute, we learned that Avraham was very quick to perform the mitzva of Hachnasat Orchim (serving guests). When he saw three people outside his tent, he offered them bread, but also brought in butter, milk, and meat.

Avraham needed to slaughter three calves because he wanted to serve the guests tongues with mustard. However, one of the calves got away, running to a cave in Chevron. Avraham was right behind it, [1] entered the cave, and had a vision of Adam and Chava being buried there. The cave also had the sweet aroma of Gan Eden. He knew then that he wanted to own that space. [2]

This beautiful plot of land was owned by a man named Efron - not exactly the type of person one wants to do business with! At first, Avraham says to Bnei (the people of) Cheit, "I am a foreigner and a resident among you." Rashi (commentary) says a midrashic (story) meaning: "If you want to sell it to me, then I am a stranger; if not, then I am a resident among you, and will take this land against your will, for Hashem has told me, "To your descendants I will give this land." They responded saying it would be their pleasure for Avraham to bury Sarah anywhere he wanted.

Efron told Avraham in front of Bnei Cheit, " Please, my master; I've given you the field together with the cave, for it is yours." To show that
he had rightful ownership for future generations, Avraham didn't want to take the land for free. So he replied back saying, "I want to pay you for it, please name your price." Efron, a person who says A LOT and does A LITTLE, told Avraham he is willing to sell it for 400 silver shekels of the best currency. Avraham had NO objection. He knew that Ma'aras Hamachpaila was worth every shekel he owned. Besides the big mitzva of burying the dead, Ma'aras Hamachpaila was the 'entrance of Gan Eden.' When a person leaves this world after 120 years, they leave with nothing besides the schar (merit) they accumulated while alive. Everything else means nothing in Olam Haba (the world to come). A person's wealth, honor etc stays on Earth.

[Do you know that when babies are born, they come out with their hands closed; and when people die, their hands are open? It symbolizes that when people enter this world, they are materialistic, wanting everything (especially babies), but when they leave, what good is their wealth anyway?]

While Avraham was weighing out the silver, Efron stood by him, secretly stealing in order to gain extra money. [3] Can you believe the Chutzpa (rudeness) Efron had?! I will tell you what he didn't have. The Torah removed a letter from his name because of his indecency
[4]. Little did Efron know, Hashem blessed Avraham, [5] saying, "He who curses you, shall be cursed." He wasn't exactly gaining anything by stealing, rather, he acquired for himself poverty! [6]

We see a similar middah by Besuel (Rivka's father). He tried poisoning Eliezer (Avraham's servant, who was on a mission to find a wife for Avraham's son, Yitzchak) during a meal, in order to kill him and steal his wealth. The midrash states that an angel (who accompanied Eliezer) switched their plates and Besuel died instead. [7] The possessions Besuel was trying to steal belonged to Avraham, not Eliezer. He who curses Avraham, shall be cursed...

A lesson which we can take is that sometimes people
try to take advantage of others instead of helping them. People justify their deeds, without asking themselves, "would I like it if someone acted that way to me?" Although they may gain from their trickery now, in the long run, they will realize it wasn't worth it. (Obviously, this is talking about people who haven't done full teshuva) Some get punished right away, and some don't. If they do not get paid back in this world, they definitely will in the next. We see that Efron was punished right away for taking advantage of Avraham, whereas Avraham was rewarded for his good deeds.

Thanks for reading,

[1] Baba Matizah 86
[2] Zohar Chadash; Ruth
[3] Midrish HaGadol 23:16
[4] Bereshis 23:16
[5] Bereshis 12:3
[6] Bereshis Rabba 58:9
[7] Midrash Agada 24:53

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